University of Eastern Finland

Terhi Saaranen, PhD, is working as professor (health pedagogy) at the Department of Nursing Science at the University of Eastern Finland. Since the early 2000s, she has focused her research on occupational well-being in the school communities and other health care organizations nationally and internationally. She is responsible for teacher education (nursing science) at the Department Nursing Science, UEF and her research work is also related to health education, learning and teaching methods like simulation, web-based learning environments etc. She has been working in numerous national and international research projects. 

Anneli Vauhkonen, MHSc (nurse teacher), doctoral candidate, is working as a project researcher at the University of Eastern Finland in the Department of Nursing Science. She has worked as a project researcher in the TerOpe project (Development of the health science and social service teachers’ professional competence and continuing education) and in the 4T project (Well-being at work and health through working hours at home care – 4T research and development project). She has worked as a member of the interdisciplinary, interuniversity and international project working groups. She is doing her doctoral dissertation study on occupational well-being of social and health care teachers. 

Juha Pajari, MHSc, PhD-student, RN. Juha is a University Teacher in the Department of Nursing Science. Juha has previously worked as a nurse in the hospital emergency department for several years. In 2018, he started at the University of Eastern Finland in different projects and today he works in health science teacher training. His responsibilities include e.g. teaching practice and student study guidance. His research interest is related to the digital competence of social- and healthcare teachers.